oh no! this is the part where you remove our names from the list of current mg choristers and tuck us away under the heading 'alumni 08'.
anyway, i'm here to say, on behalf of all the sec fours, that you guys delivered an absolutely delightful performance tonight and we are so extremely and incredibly proud of you all. we, your lovely seniors, had a wonderful time cheering you on, and you simply cannot imagine how much we wished we were up there on stage with you. but that aside, tonight was your night. and you totally owned it!
i'll tell you this: God loves the mg choir.
i miss you guys!
all my love,
Saturday, August 16, 2008
friday night, and the lights are low
to the mgchoir 2008:
i am so very very proud of you. you have no idea how many other people are too. i want to thank each and every one of you for putting in absolutely EVERYTHING you had to make this concert such a huge success. never heard such loud applause and cheers before, AND NEVER SEEN SO MANY FLASHING LIGHTS! ahahha. we're SUPERSTARS, yo! the teachers are crazily proud of us, the conductors (including ms j tham, i'm sure she'd be EXTREMELY proud), our lovely seniors, the audience, and most important of all,
we have worked so hard for this, and what we saw today was just awesome. AWEsome. AWEMUCH. hahahaha. see! isnt this much better than disappointing ourselves, hahaha. :Di will forever cherish every memory made, every note sung, every scream uh screamed, every heart that made today such a success.we didnt just make everyone around us proud,we impressed them and blew their socks off. or shoes. whichever.
to the mgchoir comm 2007-2008:
we made it.
and now, it's time for us to hand over and take the lead (yet again) to bring the choir to greater heights.
to the awesomest president i've ever seen: RACHEL CHIU BOBO.
i'll never forget everything you've done for me. i'll never forget the really difficult times we had when we first started working together. it wasnt easy; IT WAS DIFFICULT, but we did it. we did it! we're the best pair of boboheads ANYONE has ever seen. I LOVE YOU, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! :D:D
to the most incredibly patient secretary: NICOLE CHEE.
i seriously hate your job, HAHAHAHA. i'm sorry i just have to say this. but oh well, you rock at it so who's complaining but you? hahahahaha. LOVE YOU SO MUCH, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING THESE PAST FEW/MANY YEARS. :D:D continue singing for the glory of God, yes! :D
to the craziest student conductress: VIOLETTE TRUONG.
I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU. SERIOUSLY. thanks for that awesome solo tonight, it had me grinning from EAR TO EAR again. i'll never forget all the stupid things we've done in choir, in europe, even today, in the toilet. HAHAHA.
to the group of insane sectional leaders: CHRISTINE LEE, GABRIELLE ONG, CLAIRE CHONG AND CHIAM QINGLING.i have you all to thank for teaching the choir the music, and for adding so much fun to practices. i'll never forget our sectionals (BEAR! :D) and how fruitFUL they always were. hahaha right! :D
we did it.
but now,
to the mgchoir comm 2008-2009:
well, it's only just started, you know. although i'm sure all of us are worn out already, it's only just the beginning (technically speaking.). you have no idea how proud i am of all of you (and we've only just begun working together!) yay i really hope the year ahead will be nothing short of amazing, and truly miraculous.
to the awesome powerpuff girls: MS THAM PEI WEN, MS ANGELA NG, MRS CHERIE HENG.
i'll never forget everything you've done for us. never ever. imagine us without you! ah hahaha. your guidance, love, support, encouragement and care is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
to the two loveliest conductors: MS JENNIFER THAM AND MR ALBERT TAY.
thank you both SO MUCH for everything you've given to us, the music, the passion, the life. without you two, we (literally) wouldnt have been up on stage. except for chispa and las amarillas, of course.
i'll never forget tonight.
and the smiles, they were blinding.
for once.
oh sorry,
this is elizabeth. hahahaha.
i am so very very proud of you. you have no idea how many other people are too. i want to thank each and every one of you for putting in absolutely EVERYTHING you had to make this concert such a huge success. never heard such loud applause and cheers before, AND NEVER SEEN SO MANY FLASHING LIGHTS! ahahha. we're SUPERSTARS, yo! the teachers are crazily proud of us, the conductors (including ms j tham, i'm sure she'd be EXTREMELY proud), our lovely seniors, the audience, and most important of all,
we have worked so hard for this, and what we saw today was just awesome. AWEsome. AWEMUCH. hahahaha. see! isnt this much better than disappointing ourselves, hahaha. :Di will forever cherish every memory made, every note sung, every scream uh screamed, every heart that made today such a success.we didnt just make everyone around us proud,we impressed them and blew their socks off. or shoes. whichever.
to the mgchoir comm 2007-2008:
we made it.
and now, it's time for us to hand over and take the lead (yet again) to bring the choir to greater heights.
to the awesomest president i've ever seen: RACHEL CHIU BOBO.
i'll never forget everything you've done for me. i'll never forget the really difficult times we had when we first started working together. it wasnt easy; IT WAS DIFFICULT, but we did it. we did it! we're the best pair of boboheads ANYONE has ever seen. I LOVE YOU, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! :D:D
to the most incredibly patient secretary: NICOLE CHEE.
i seriously hate your job, HAHAHAHA. i'm sorry i just have to say this. but oh well, you rock at it so who's complaining but you? hahahahaha. LOVE YOU SO MUCH, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING THESE PAST FEW/MANY YEARS. :D:D continue singing for the glory of God, yes! :D
to the craziest student conductress: VIOLETTE TRUONG.
I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU. SERIOUSLY. thanks for that awesome solo tonight, it had me grinning from EAR TO EAR again. i'll never forget all the stupid things we've done in choir, in europe, even today, in the toilet. HAHAHA.
to the group of insane sectional leaders: CHRISTINE LEE, GABRIELLE ONG, CLAIRE CHONG AND CHIAM QINGLING.i have you all to thank for teaching the choir the music, and for adding so much fun to practices. i'll never forget our sectionals (BEAR! :D) and how fruitFUL they always were. hahaha right! :D
we did it.
but now,
to the mgchoir comm 2008-2009:
well, it's only just started, you know. although i'm sure all of us are worn out already, it's only just the beginning (technically speaking.). you have no idea how proud i am of all of you (and we've only just begun working together!) yay i really hope the year ahead will be nothing short of amazing, and truly miraculous.
to the awesome powerpuff girls: MS THAM PEI WEN, MS ANGELA NG, MRS CHERIE HENG.
i'll never forget everything you've done for us. never ever. imagine us without you! ah hahaha. your guidance, love, support, encouragement and care is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
to the two loveliest conductors: MS JENNIFER THAM AND MR ALBERT TAY.
thank you both SO MUCH for everything you've given to us, the music, the passion, the life. without you two, we (literally) wouldnt have been up on stage. except for chispa and las amarillas, of course.
i'll never forget tonight.
and the smiles, they were blinding.
for once.
oh sorry,
this is elizabeth. hahahaha.
Friday, August 15, 2008
mg choir concert was a blast.
i think the choir really just... went on to stage and just... enjoyed what they were singing
although most songs were rushed or out of tune, i think we really put in everything that we have learnt from all the past practices and rehearsals.
abba was fabulous. we really just enjoyed it and sang out. the audience was wonderful.
and to see all our old friends again was amazing. grace, feli, qing, enqi, rachel, patty, nicole, etc seeing all of them again was just... so awesome. and anna, jan, michelle chan, abi, roxanne, suat, all those from 3t and 3g. you guys were such an awesome audience and such good friends. i will never forget you guys for coming to support us. you guys are just great.
tjc was great too. i loved their dance moves. they did it with so much energy. i wish i could dance as well as them. HAHA.
we couldn't start dancing queen properly!!! HAHAHAHAHA and the encore was worse. HAHAHAA. but it was fun, cos we just sang and didn't care. HAHAHA.
after that when we went backstage, my ears were practically bleeding from all the screaming. it was like
so fun, i haven't screamed like that in such a long time. just couldn't stop screaming. HAHA.
and all our old friends came back to give us flowers. it was so sweet. i can never thank them enough. my gratitude towards them can't be put in words.
good job mg choir.
i can't believe this is my last day as an sl.
i love you guys sop ones. you guys are a great bunch and are lovely people to be with. and you ALL have amazing voices, unique voices. and it's really an honor be your leader. i know you guys have always been putting in your all and i thank you guys for that. i will never forget this experience of being an sl of you guys. i hope you guys continue to grow to be better singers and better performers. i will always be supporting all of you. and i'll be there if you need me.
i really can't believe it's my last day as an sl.
i hope i did well. i hope you guys continue to grow and love not only the choir, but music more each day. you guys have such great voices and it's been an honor.
i will never forget all my experiences with all of you as an sl.
hope you won't too.
but i know that all this isn't about us. it just goes to show how faithful God is. He truly is miraculous in helping and guiding us through everything.
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
God is amazing. and all this goes back to Him.
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand
it's overwhelming. gosh, this really is my favourite song...
tonight has been so wonderful. everything passed so fast.. but they will remain in my heart and my mind forever.
mg choir concert was a blast.
i think the choir really just... went on to stage and just... enjoyed what they were singing
although most songs were rushed or out of tune, i think we really put in everything that we have learnt from all the past practices and rehearsals.
abba was fabulous. we really just enjoyed it and sang out. the audience was wonderful.
and to see all our old friends again was amazing. grace, feli, qing, enqi, rachel, patty, nicole, etc seeing all of them again was just... so awesome. and anna, jan, michelle chan, abi, roxanne, suat, all those from 3t and 3g. you guys were such an awesome audience and such good friends. i will never forget you guys for coming to support us. you guys are just great.
tjc was great too. i loved their dance moves. they did it with so much energy. i wish i could dance as well as them. HAHA.
we couldn't start dancing queen properly!!! HAHAHAHAHA and the encore was worse. HAHAHAA. but it was fun, cos we just sang and didn't care. HAHAHA.
after that when we went backstage, my ears were practically bleeding from all the screaming. it was like
so fun, i haven't screamed like that in such a long time. just couldn't stop screaming. HAHA.
and all our old friends came back to give us flowers. it was so sweet. i can never thank them enough. my gratitude towards them can't be put in words.
good job mg choir.
i can't believe this is my last day as an sl.
i love you guys sop ones. you guys are a great bunch and are lovely people to be with. and you ALL have amazing voices, unique voices. and it's really an honor be your leader. i know you guys have always been putting in your all and i thank you guys for that. i will never forget this experience of being an sl of you guys. i hope you guys continue to grow to be better singers and better performers. i will always be supporting all of you. and i'll be there if you need me.
i really can't believe it's my last day as an sl.
i hope i did well. i hope you guys continue to grow and love not only the choir, but music more each day. you guys have such great voices and it's been an honor.
i will never forget all my experiences with all of you as an sl.
hope you won't too.
but i know that all this isn't about us. it just goes to show how faithful God is. He truly is miraculous in helping and guiding us through everything.
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
God is amazing. and all this goes back to Him.
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand
it's overwhelming. gosh, this really is my favourite song...
tonight has been so wonderful. everything passed so fast.. but they will remain in my heart and my mind forever.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
so Founder's Day has passed. done better than i had expected it, what with the microphone system and dry acoustics in the hall etc. dont be discouraged, though, those of you who had hoped to have performed better. i'm sure our concert will be a BLAST. everything is working out pretty well now! besides choreo, but thats a whole different thing.
28 JULY 2008 MONDAY (which is tomorrow)
CHINESE CHAPEL (haha however strange it sounds)
please remember your black files and to MEET OUTSIDE THE HALL (like usual) AT 6.45 AM SHARP. late comers will be fined with jumping jacks. :D
i've drawn up so new logos for the choir, so i'll just put them on here.



hahaha sorry my handwriting is kind of standard. anyone who has new ideas/designs please FEEL FREE to share them with the comm and the choir. the old logo is a little bit outdated, haha. here's what the old logo looks like, btw:

perform well tomorrow! but remember, it's for the glory of God's name.
till then, Elizabeth.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Important, please note that we will be rehearsing with the String Ensemble for the Founder's Day item. Here are the details (so make sure you've all gotten your music right by then!)
16 July (Wednesday)
Secondary School Hall
Also, practices are now extended by half an hour (i.e. ends at 6pm instead of 5.30pm). Please make any necessary arrangements.
Reminder that ALL THREE South American pieces are to be memorised by this week (9/7, 11/7 pracs). Yassa Bushi (and Yagi Bushi) is also to be memorised by the 18/7. To put things into better perspective, we have 11 practices until our concert and only 7 of them are conductor-led. I really hope you feel the urgency of things now.
I know we can put up a really great performance this year! :D it's just a bridge between potential and performance, so make sure you give everything your all. We're not just singers, by the way, we're performers, and we dont want half-hearted performers on stage. Alright, i shall stop nagging (:
PS some of you would have been invited to the MGS Choir group on facebook. those on facebook who havent been invited please request for an invite. :D
Important, please note that we will be rehearsing with the String Ensemble for the Founder's Day item. Here are the details (so make sure you've all gotten your music right by then!)
16 July (Wednesday)
Secondary School Hall
Also, practices are now extended by half an hour (i.e. ends at 6pm instead of 5.30pm). Please make any necessary arrangements.
Reminder that ALL THREE South American pieces are to be memorised by this week (9/7, 11/7 pracs). Yassa Bushi (and Yagi Bushi) is also to be memorised by the 18/7. To put things into better perspective, we have 11 practices until our concert and only 7 of them are conductor-led. I really hope you feel the urgency of things now.
I know we can put up a really great performance this year! :D it's just a bridge between potential and performance, so make sure you give everything your all. We're not just singers, by the way, we're performers, and we dont want half-hearted performers on stage. Alright, i shall stop nagging (:
PS some of you would have been invited to the MGS Choir group on facebook. those on facebook who havent been invited please request for an invite. :D
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
on behalf of the entire committee, as well as all the sec 4s,
a very big thank you to all of you
for making the sec 4 farewell party such a success.
thank you for putting in the effort to ensure that the little notes and letters were sincere and came from your heart. i can tell you that the sec 4s really appreciate it.
thank you all for being so lovely and discreet. without your discretion we would NEVER have pulled it off (until rachel chiu went to open the video herself. but nevermind).
if you all have any pictures from the sec 4 farewell, please send them to me at chanmqe@gmail.com . PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
and if any of you still have things to say to the sec 4s, don't worry, because they're not going to be gone so soon.
and the last thing i have to say is, enjoy your time in the mgchoir. because it'll be ending really soon, right sec 3s? ):
(hints intended)
on behalf of the entire committee, as well as all the sec 4s,
a very big thank you to all of you
for making the sec 4 farewell party such a success.
thank you for putting in the effort to ensure that the little notes and letters were sincere and came from your heart. i can tell you that the sec 4s really appreciate it.
thank you all for being so lovely and discreet. without your discretion we would NEVER have pulled it off (until rachel chiu went to open the video herself. but nevermind).
if you all have any pictures from the sec 4 farewell, please send them to me at chanmqe@gmail.com . PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
and if any of you still have things to say to the sec 4s, don't worry, because they're not going to be gone so soon.
and the last thing i have to say is, enjoy your time in the mgchoir. because it'll be ending really soon, right sec 3s? ):
(hints intended)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Las Amarillas
compared with...
great notes and all, but no passion at all.
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